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We believe in philanthropy, volunteerism, and community involvement giving 7on7 University a way to contribute in a direct way to the communities in which we live and work. We take a broad view of community, and we aim to use our strength as a National Organization, in our nation, and in our own backyard. We also feel strongly the need to support, through voluntary and philanthropic efforts, the service members and others we support in our work.
While an organization can make a contribution by making charitable donations, we believe it is equally important to use our company to help our participating teams and players to serve the community. We seek to engage our young athletes in community and charitable efforts that call for individual action and commitment. We encourage our teams and players to take initiatives and form communities at work to support worthy causes through donations and volunteerism.
The Teams Helping Heroes Foundation provides financial, educational, and emotional support to terminally ill children, individuals struggling financially, non-profit organizations dedicated to making a difference in the lives of the handicapped and families of the Heroe’s we serve. We don’t measure our work in terms of success, but in terms of significance we make in the lives of others.
The difference that Teams Helping Heroes makes is the emotional connection and the relationships we maintain with our Teams Helping Heroes Community Program. These relationships allow us to get at the heart of our Heroes’ needs and provide support for their every-day life challenges. The Teams Helping Heroes Foundation empowers Teams to serve their community and help others.
Jill's House provides respite for children with intellectual disabilities and their families in the Greater Washington, DC area. We serve boys and girls, ages six through seventeen, with intellectual disabilities without regard to race, religion, or ethnicity. Our mission is to be a safe haven to which parents can entrust their children, allowing the parents a time of rest. To ensure that parents and caregivers get a real break, typical siblings are welcome to stay at Jill’s House.
We believe that parents of children with intellectual disabilities need more support. Our hope is that our model will help change the way communities address the needs of families with children with special needs.